With 463 admissions confirmed and with a staff strength of 23 teachers and other staff the school got formally commenced in June 1998 from a rented school building at Sector-4, Nerul.
Meanwhile a school plot admeasuring 2.5 acres of land including 1.5 acres for the school playground was acquired from the City Industrial Development Corporation at a cost of Rs. 19,36,162. (Nineteen lakhs thirty six thousand one hundred and sixty two) at plot. No. 34, Sector -48, Nerul.
For nearly 2 full academic years the school operated from the Municipal School Building at sector-4, Nerul. In the meantime a spacious Ground plus 3 storeys building of 48000 sq. ft. constructed area was built up at a cost of nearly 3.75 crores.The school today has a strength of 4138 students and 130 teachers and other staff members. During of the developmental period of the school, it had the privilege of the visit and blessings of the honourable President on 7 different occasions. Besides the visits of several other distinguished dignitaries from various fields of education and other allied fields, there have been the visits of many of the Senior Management heads including Late Shri. T.R. Tuli (former President) Madam Sheetal Sharma, Justice R.N. Mittal, Shri S.L.Suri, Shri H.L. Kaul, Shri H.R. Gandhar, Shri M.L. Khanna, Shri Mohanlal ji, Late Shri R.N. Mehta, Shri R.S. Sharma, Shri Punam Suri, Shri Prabodh Mahajan, Shri Sehgalji and Shri Madanlal ji.
Several Principals from DAV schools across the country also visited the school, prominent among them were a delegation of Sr. Principals from Punjab headed by Principal Aeri.
D.A.V. Public School today has emerged as one of the leading schools in Navi Mumbai with the superior infrastructural facilities and the innovative and quality teaching-learning methods it has evolved. The school has a well equipped Library, Science Laboratory, Computer Lab, Resource Center, Audio-Visual Hall and Multipurpose Hall. An esthetically developed school garden boasts of some of the rarest and beautiful species of plants and flowers.